User eXperience Design (UXD) project
This is a group project work for the course of User eXperience Desing (UXD) done at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE) in the second semester of the accademic year of 2020⁄2021. You can see the project here
The Team “Segnali di Fumo”
- Benedetta Fabrizi (LinkedIn - GitHub)
- Emanuele Bianchi (LinkedIn - GitHub)
- Ettore Candeloro (LinkedIn - GitHub)
- Filippo Monelli (LinkedIn - GitHub)
- Gabriele Rosati (LinkedIn - GitHub)
The project
This work objective was applying User Experience Desing principles and processes to desing and improve both the physical and UI interfaces of the driver control monitor inside a New Holland tractor (CNH).
We followed a user-centred approach and the UX Desing Cycle, made of 4 iterative steps:
- Requirements Gathering (req. list for users)
- Desing Alternatives (concept generation)
- Prototyping (low and high fidelity)
- Evaluation (user testing)
We then used the evaluation phase user feedbacks and Nielsen heuristics to further improve the final high fidelity prototype done in Adobe XD.
The Prototype and end results
For the final high fidelity interactive prototype we used Adobe XD and followed UX and UI desing best practices. In particular we evaluated the interface using the 10 Nielsen heuristics and followed the Google Material Desing guidelines and templates. Finally, to maintain consistency over all the interface, we made a custom desing system.
We show below some of the pages for our final prototype