Questo post devi vederlo come un insieme di appunti cui ho cercato (e sto cercando) di mettere in ordine.
ITA Script Python a riga di comando per convertire i file pdf in immagini.
This is a group project work for the course of User eXperience Desing (UXD) done at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE) in the second semester of the accademic year of 2020⁄2021.
Trafair project The Trafair project brings together 10 partners from two European countries (Italy and Spain) to develop innovative and sustainable services combining air quality, weather conditions, and traffic flows data to produce new information for the benefit of citizens and government decision-makers.
Progetto Java sviluppato per gli esami di Programmazione ad Oggetti ed Ingegneria del software.